What do we as members of the ELCA believe about social issues?
Faithful participation in society is integral and vital to the mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). As individual members and as a corporate body this church lives out the Christian faith in encounter with the concerns that shape life in God’s creation. Social statements, messages, social policy resolutions, and studies of social issues are important means by which this church carries out its participation in society.
The ELCA has 10 Social Statements: Abortion/Church in Society/Death Penalty/Economic Life/Education/
Environment/Health and Healthcare/Peace/Race, Ethnicity, and Culture/Sexuality
And 11 Social Messages: AIDS/Changing Europe/Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Community Violence/
End of Life Decisions/Homelessness/Immigration/Israel-Palestinian Conflict/
Sexuality/Suicide Prevention/Terrorism
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